Lenard D. Moore is a poet, fiction writer, essayist, book reviewer, public speaker, photographer, and the author and/or editor or co-editor of several books, including All The Songs We Sing (Blair, 2020), The Geography Of Jazz (Blair, 2020), One Window’s Light (Unicorn Press, 2017), and A Temple Looming (WordTech Editions, 2008). His literary works have appeared in African American Review, Agni, Callaloo, Colorado Review, North American Review, North Dakota Quarterly, Obsidian, Prairie Schooner, and Valley Voices.
He is the founder and executive director of the Carolina African American Writers’ Collective and co-founder of the Washington Street Writers Group.
He is recipient of several awards, including the North Carolina Award for Literature (2014); Haiku Museum of Tokyo Award (2003, 1994, and 1983); and Margaret Walker Creative Writing Award (1997).