Tureeda Mikell, Poet, Story Medicine Woman, named, Djeli Musa, Woman of Truths, called an activist for holism, is a Chi Gong Energy Therapist, lyricist, executive director of, Tree of Life Foundation Literacy Health Project, has published over seventy student anthologies of poetry for as risk youth via CA Poets in the Schools, throughout San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa and Jefferson Unified School Districts since 1989. She is U. C. Berkeley ’96 Bay Area Writing Project, Summer Fellow, graduate program.
Featured at SOAN Soul Of A Nation, De Young Museum, Jan 2020, featured poet at De Young Museum Fire Thieves, curated by Kim Shuck, Feb. 2020, book release City Lights Books. Was featured poet/storyteller for Black Panther 50th Anniversary, Octavia Butler’s 70th Birthday, and Eth-Noh-Tec’s, Nu Wa delegate poet/storyteller in Beijing, China in collaboration with the University of Beijing, 2018.
Has been published in Drum Voices Revue, U. C. B. Digital Papers E-Zine, Anacua Literary Arts Journal, Temba Tupu, Walking Naked, by Emory University, Civil Liberties, by Shizue Seigel, and many more nationally and internationally. Her recent book, published by Nomadic Press, February 2020, Synchronicity: The Oracle of Sun Medicine, was placed on Small Press Distributor’s list of recommended reads.